Become a Member!
There are many benefits to joining the club, including reduced show fees and access to the arena for personal use during off times for FREE. We also have year-end awards with great prizes and a fun banquet, as well as participation in local parades and the Langley Riders Drill Team.
*NOTE: Deposit amounts have changed! Please carefully read your membership form for the most up-to-date information
All fees and deposits must be received BEFORE registration for shows and events in order to qualify for member rates and for your points to count for year-end awards and prizes.

Your membership from one of our Sister riding clubs is honoured at LRS shows, events, and practices!
Mission Horse Club
Chilliwack Riding Club
Membership fees for the year are: $45.00 individual and $75.00 for a family.
If you are joining Langley Riders Society, two separate deposits of $150.00 per individual membership and $200.00 per family membership are required. They need to be dated July 1st, and October 20th, This is a retainer for your required help.
*Rates are before GST*
No Member will be allowed to ride in any event as a member until deposits are received.
Volunteer requirements consist of:
8 work hours completed by July 1st and 8 hours after July 1.st
15 work hours completed by July 1st and 15 hours after July 1stThese hours can be done at horse shows, LRS events, and at work bees.
**These volunteer requirements are PER Family, or single membership (A family consists of 2 or more members residing at the same mailing address.) Also anyone i.e. friends or family may complete the work hours or bees for you.
If work hours are not completed your cheque/credit card will be cashed/charged or e-transfer deposit not returned.
After completion of the first half of volunteer hours, your 1st deposit destroyed or returned. The 2nd deposit will be returned or destroyed after remaining work hours and bee are completed after July 1st.
It is mandatory that participants under 18 years of age wear properly fitted, approved BSI or ASTM protective headgear with safety harness correctly secured at all times while mounted, riding during the competition or on event grounds. It is strongly suggested that all competitors wear protective headgear.
Current HCBC is required to ride on LRS property and in all events