Our Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

Clover Towing

Meditrine Naturopathic Medical Clinic

Jamie Luttmer RE/MAX Lifestyles Realty

Stampede Tack & Western Wear

A New Leaf Naturopathic Clinic

Amy Brattebo Real Estate

Cloverdale Paint

Otter Co-op

Daisy Hills Equestrian

Dawson Brill Timber Mart

Equestrian Essentials Tack & Laundry Services

Fraser Valley Cider Company

Heidelberg Materials

Henry Equestrian

JD Farms

Krause Berry Farms

Langlee Acres

L+J Graphics

Locality Brewing

Meadow Lane Equine Clinic

RGM Photography



Stud Muffins

Sunrise Trailer Sales & Rentals

Super Save

Tamara Baltic

Tammy Rose Real Estate

Travel Best Bets


Township Of Langley

Treat SIBO

Vanderveen Hay Sales

Western Outfitters


Langley Riders Society is the proud recipient of the Township of Langley Community Association Grant
for arena upgrades and maintenance!

Sponsorship Opportunities

The sponsorship levels available are Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze

It is our hope that your company will be able to support us in 2023.
If you need more information, please contact us at info@langleyriders.com

Little Britches Sponsorship

Looking for some ad space for your business or organization?

We offer advertising space in our huge outdoor arena at an unbeatable sponsorship rate. With great visibility your 3x6 or 4x8 company banner will reach a large and diverse audience.

Langley riders Arena has an event on nearly every weekend from May 5th until the End of October. Hanging a banner in our arena will ensure you, A lifestyle targeted demographic!

With new and revolving traffic, let your company be the first that not only Langley rider’s members but also visitors think of to meet their needs.

  • [$1500 cash or $2000 in kind*]

    ● 4’ x 8' ringside banner in a prime location (provided by sponsor, LRS can arrange the making of banner at a reasonable rate).

    ● Set up booth / display at one event of your choice during the 2023 season.

    ● Two complimentary tickets to year end awards night.

    ● Framed photo certificate of recognition.

    ● Logo (jpeg file preferred) and link on LRS website.

    ● Acknowledgement in our media.

    ● Over-the-air recognition by the show announcer.

    ● Acknowledgement at our year end awards night.

    *"In kind” sponsorship of approved product or services.

  • [$1000 cash or $1500 in kind*]

    Ringside 4’x8’ banner (provided by sponsor, LRS can arrange the making of banner at a reasonable rate).

    Two complimentary tickets to year end awards night.

    Framed photo certificate of recognition.

    Logo (jpeg file preferred) and link on LRS website.

    Over-the-air recognition by show announcer.

    Acknowledgement at our year end awards night.

    *"In kind” sponsorship of approved product or services.

  • $500 cash or $750 in kind*

    ● Ringside 3' x 6' banner (provided by sponsor, LRS can arrange the making of banner at a reasonable rate) or Logo (jpeg file preferred).

    ● Logo (jpeg file preferred) and link on LRS website.

    ● Acknowledgement in our media

    ● Over-the-air recognition by the show announcer.

    ● Acknowledgement at our year end awards night.

    * "In kind” sponsorship of approved product or services.

  • $250 Event Sponsor

    ● LRS website sponsorship recognition.

    ● Over-the-air recognition by show announcer.

    ● Event 10’x10’ booth set-up (if desired) for sponsored event.