Calling All Volunteers!

Next Work Bees: Saturday, April 5

Team Work Makes the Dream Work!

Your help is needed throughout the year at shows/events and with maintenance in between!

Q: What can I do to help out at shows and events?
A: There are many ways to help such as the following:
-Concession stand (cooks with FOODSAFE and cashiers are in high demand)
-Gate attendant
-Ring stewarding at English/Western Shows
-Setting jumps at Jumper Shows
-Setting courses for Jumper Shows, Games Days, Obstacle Challenges, and English/Western Shows.
-End-of-day duties such as garbage/recycling, bathrooms, and tidying horse manure and loose hay.

Q: How can I help outside of shows and events?
A: Our show grounds require constant maintenance throughout the year to keep the grounds clean, safe, and a club we can all be proud of! Duties include, but are not limited, to the following:
-Grass cutting
-Weed maintenance

Please get in touch with us to find out how you can help!