All riders must be suitably attired according to Western or English rules but must be one or the other.
1. Riders are to be suitably dressed with serviceable Western attire.
2. Rider’s attire to consist of western hat or helmet, long sleeve western shirt with collar, western boots, and western pants or jeans.
3. Chaps, chinks, and spurs are optional unless otherwise indicated
4. It is mandatory that participants under 19 years of age wear properly fitted, approved BSI or ASTM protective headgear with safety harness correctly secured at all times while mounted, riding during the competition or on event grounds. It is strongly suggested that all competitors wear protective headgear. If protective headgear is chosen not to be worn by anyone over the age of 19 then a waiver must be signed before competition.
5. Hats must be on when crossing the start line. Elimination if the hat is not on the riders head when crossing the start line. No penalty will be imposed if the hat falls off while on course.
1. Riders are to be suitably dressed with serviceable English attire.
2. Rider’s attire to consist of riding shirt (long or short sleeved, must be tucked in), English boots or paddock boots with half chaps, and jodhpurs or breeches. Jackets are not mandatory.
3. All riders must wear ASTM or BSI approved helmets with a fixed harness at all times while mounted.
No t-shirts, tank-tops, hoodies, or similar attire is permitted.
Attire rules also apply for Schooling Rounds
The mixing of English and Western tack is not allowed, with the exception of snaffle bits.
1. All horses must be shown under suitable western tack
2. Barrel race rules apply
3. Type of reins used is optional. Two hands on reins allowed.
4. Martingales, tie downs, hackamores, bosals, and cavesons allowed
5. All humane bits allowed
6. Approved flat curb chains allowed, nothing less than a half inch wide
7. Spurs allowed
8. Boots allowed
9. Bats and quirts are not permitted
1. English saddle of any type is required
2. Bridles may be Double, Snaffle, or Pelham. Two reins or bit converters must be used with a Pelham.
3. All humane bits allowed
4. Properly adjusted running or standing martingales allowed
5. Breastplates are allowed
6. Boots are allowed
7. Crops are not permitted
Division 1-6 - $15/round. Maximum 2 rounds (both rounds count for prizing)
Non-Member Fee: $30 per rider arena fee, to be added on top of other fees
*No refunds given for missed or cancelled entries without a vet certificate and approval from the Event Director
1. In-Hand - Green Horses (no cross entry with In-Hand - Open)
2. In-Hand - Open (no cross entry with In-Hand - Green Horses)
3. Walk/Trot – open to any age. (no cross entry with any other ridden classes)
4. Youth – Under 19 as of January 1/245. Senior – 19 & over as of January 1/24
6. Open – Open to any age (cross entry with Youth/Senior/In-Hand is allowed but not walk/trot). More challenging, advanced course..
Maximum 2 rounds per horse/rider combination.
Both rounds qualify for placing.Prizes:
Level 1-6: Ribbons to 6th -
Division 1 and 2
In-Hand only
No cross entry between Green Horse division and Open divisionDivision 3 - 6
Ridden only, no in hand or lead lineEach division has a different course, increasing in difficulty
Each obstacle will have a required objective that must be met. Some obstacles will have Bonus objectives. The judge will determine if these objectives have been met.
Any obstacle that requires dismounting will have a mounting block available to assist remounting.
· Maximum time allowed per round = 5 minutes
· You have 5 seconds to attempt an obstacle. If horse refuses to proceed, judge will blow a whistle for you to move on. 3 “refusals” you will be eliminated from the round
· You may pass on any obstacle you do not feel comfortable attempting, but you must announce to the judge and that obstacle will be considered a “refusal”
· Bonuses and penalties are determined upon the completion of the obstacle according to the posted obstacle description at the judge’s discretion
· Maximum jump heights: Walk/trot 6”
Youth/Senior 12”,
Open 18”Scoring:
· Bonus obstacles are worth a 10 second deduction from your round time
· Attempted but incomplete obstacles receive a 5 second penalty added to your time
· Missed obstacles receive a 30 second penalty added to your time
· Obstacles ridden out of order will be an off course elimination
Riders may choose to change their course level at any time, however cross-entry rules still apply and only the first 2 rounds will count towards prizes.
There will be a maximum number of entries allowed. Under no circumstance will entries be accepted within 24 hours of competition.
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Course walk with judge
In-Hand Divisions10:00 am
Walk/trot Division, followed by Youth/Senior Divisions
2:00/3:00 pm
Open Division (estimated start time, depending on number of entries)There will be a short course change between divisions
*No refunds given for missed or cancelled entries without a vet certificate and approval from the Event Director
Obstacle Challenge
Obstacle Challenge Events are an evolving, yet popular, event, at Langley Riders Society.
It is a unique event, somewhat a combination of games and cowboy challenge. The event is a timed course with obstacles that will challenge your horsemanship. Obstacles may include, but are not limited to: static and moving bridges, platforms, water obstacles, flags, drags, curtains, backing, side pass, small jumps.
We welcome participants of all ages, disciplines, and levels.
We offer both non-competitive practice nights to sharpen your skills and competitive Challenges with ribbons from first to sixth place!